chocolade cake

Vergeet bananenbrood: cola cake is de nieuwe trend

Wil jij eens iets anders bakken dan bananenbrood? Ga voor de nieuwste trend op bakgebied: cola cake.

Op Instagram komen steeds meer foto’s voorbij van mensen die een cola cake hebben gebakken. Niet gek, want het is lekker én simpel.


Hoe je de cake maakt? Nou, zo: je maakt gewoon een chocolade cake, maar giet een beetje cola bij het beslag. Door wat van de drank toe te voegen aan het beslag, wordt het plakkeriger, zoeter en zompiger. Heerlijk dus!

En dat levert overheerlijke beelden op.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Let’s talk about Chocolate Cola Cake. A classic southern dessert! What do you know and love about this cake? How is your favorite, family recipe made? . . I honestly didn’t even know this cake existed until recently, and then found out from you that I had really been missing out on life not ever having cola cake. So I decided I needed to make it, STAT, but definitely had to do some research. . . There are a lot of theories about how this cake originated – some say this cake stems from sugar rationing during WWII when bakers used Coke as an added sweetener in their cakes because they couldn’t get sugar (meanwhile, the Coca-Cola company was exempt from the sugar rationing and had all the sugar they wanted for their sodas). Others would argue that cola cake became popular because Coca-Cola was trying to expand their brand in other markets so they started coming up with recipes that used their product. Either way, this cake became a staple across America and is known for its rich, sweet flavor. . . This classic cake has a light chocolate flavor (similar to a red velvet) and is topped with a frosting that feels a bit more like a glaze. It doesn’t really set like a buttercream, which is why you’ve probably only seen this cake in a sheet pan. I, of course, turned it into a layered cake 🤗 . I’ll be sharing the recipe later this week, but in the meantime, am excited to hear your thoughts on cola cake. Was anyone else living under a rock like me? 😬 . . . #cakebycourtney #colacake #chocolatecolacake #cocacola #coke #cake #cakes #baking #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #igcakes #fromscratch #utah #foodphotography #foodie #buzzfeed #purewow #cakeoftheday #chocolate

Een bericht gedeeld door Courtney Rich (@cakebycourtney) op

Bron:, Instagram
Foto: Instagram

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